Sunday, January 28, 2018

What are "Assault Weapons"?

There is no such thing as “Assault Weapons.”

That term was made up in the 1960’s by the News Industry to describe jungle fighting during the Vietnam Conflict. It didn’t get notoriety until the 1980’s when Ronald Reagan and the Democrats wanted to gut the 2nd Amendment for the powers be.

The term “Assault Weapon” is nothing more than a slang used to describe modern rifles that cosmetically look nothing like traditional guns made before the Cold War.

If you were to ask anyone off the street to describe what an “Assault Weapon” or “Assault Rifle” is, they would only parrot what the U.S. Mainstream had told them about it.

But if you check what the military defines as such, you’ll notice that it is not what everyone was conditioned to believe. As what their manual says “a weapon or gun that can shoot on select fire” or in layman’s terms actual machine guns.

Most average people can’t buy actual machine guns under the 1934 National Firearms Act (NFA) as that is an actual machine gun ban. It’s further expanded upon with the NRA endorsed 1968 Gun Control Act, and the Hughes Amendment of the 1986 Firearms Owners Protection Act, on top of everything else in-between.

The majority of modern rifles on the market are single shot only (Semi-auto), therefore making everything the powers be claim about “Assault Weapons” null and void.

So the next time the government and their interest groups like “Moms Demand Action” tell you that no one needs “Assault Weapons” or “Assault Rifles” tell them to “BACK OFF!”

Because your Right to own and purchase any weapon doesn’t change regardless of how much technology progresses.

Rights! are Rights! Regardless of what time the people live in!

It is up to you The People to stand up and defend it against those who want to take it all away.