Friday, October 26, 2018

The Truth about "Jobs"

All jobs suck hell.

Say what you like about it.

There is no job that aint stressful or full of eggheads who couldn't tell the difference between apples from oranges.

As for "Real" jobs, there is no such thing.                     

What Cambridge defines as a "Real" job is all a farce.

None of what they list or define as "Real" contribute to GDP.

The only Real jobs out there are all in manufacturing, kitchen staff, construction, military, retail, transportation, and maintenance (plumber, electrician, gas fitter, gunsmith etc) as each contribute to GDP.

Whether being an artist, writer, journalist, security worker or programmer fall under "Real" is debatable. But if they contribute to GDP than take government grant money, then they are considered real as real can be.

Human Resources Director (amongst the many positions Cambridge defines as "Real") is as fake as fake can get.

Yet, what jobs shall remain when Bender finally consolidates the rest of the economy?