Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Multiverse does exist!

Do multiple universes exist?
They do.
I experienced this myself when I was a young kid at the age of 7 sitting in an old 1980’s Honda Accord where there was a physical calendar for which it had 30 days in February and 31 on a leap year. These calendars from 1991 and 1992 were side by side to one another for which anyone could make out everything clear as day.
I asked my mother if that were case back in 1996, and she replied “oh yeah. It’s always been that way” without any denials about it never being the way it was.
In the following years since that conversation, I noticed that the days for that February were getting shorter and shorter, until there were 28 on a regular year and 29 on a leap year.
When I asked the question to my mother again she said the same thing: “oh yeah. It’s always been that way.” As if nothing ever happened.
Then when I asked her again about the 30 days in February and 31 on a leap year, she gave me the look as if I were a weirdo then said: “you’re just imagining things, there were never that many days in February.”
I found it to be strange that everyone was acting as if nothing ever happened with February in the first place.
February has always had 30 days in a regular year and 31 on a leap year. Did someone go back in time to change it all?
Originally I thought dimensional travel was all just the stuff of H.G. Wells. But the more I looked into it did I find that dimensional travel does exist.
The first hint of it originally came from some random gossip amongst old people over the net when it was still young. The site from which spoke of it may no longer exist, yet it prompted those who listened to dig deeper to find those answers.
After much digging through all the mess was the truth unveiled before us: The Mendela effect.
A significant event where people recalled Nelson Mendela dying in prison in the 1980’s. In our timeline, he died in 2013 of old age. But there are some out there who recall the South African leader dying before the end of the Cold War with news articles, audio and video footage recorded from that time period for which he died in that decade.
Other significant cases is the spelling of brand names, titles of books, devices with alternate mass produced features and other such events that did happen in alternate timelines yet found its way to materialize in our own. Many wouldn’t recall, yet a select few would.
This case of 30 days in February and 31 on a leap year is one of my personal experiences with dimensional occurrences. I wonder if anyone else have had strange encounters of your own.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Chester Bennington's death was not suicide, but Cold Blooded Murder

Chester Bennington, the lead singer of Linkin Park, was murdered in Cold Blood by his biological father: John Podesta.

The mainstream reports make claims that he committed suicide, but that is all a ruse when the government wants to cover up their tracks.

In the weeks leading up to Bennington’s death, he was gradually opening up to his abuse as a child which did involve Podesta. Whatever that may have been it had to do with the Clinton Family, his dad and the Deep State.

The shock of his death at the age of 41 is tragic.

But as more details about what went on lead up to it concludes he did not commit suicide.

The way he was killed is the same way his friend Chris Cornell ended up dead. Cornell had ties to the Clintons, the Clintons and the Deep State didn’t like what he was about to expose, and so they killed him off before passing it off as a “suicide.”

The death of Bennington is a sign that things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Pop Culture

A good 80 percent of pop culture today is garbage information.

Nearly everything that is produced out of pop culture is comparable to what Nsync sung in their song “Dirty Pop.”

Pop culture of yesteryear was meant to inform the masses of certain aspects going on without being overly political about it.

But as the government and the Deep State consolidated their sectors, they weaponized pop culture’s channels to bend it to their needs.

The purpose of pop culture nowadays is to act as a distraction for the masses to allow the powers be get away with stuff that they would have never otherwise been able to do.

When the government wants to pass draconian laws or conduct actions that would knowingly outrage the masses, they have the acrobats of the mainstream media collude with the tabloids to provide that distraction.

That is what happened in 2009 on the day Michael Jackson died. On that same day of the 25th in June of 2009, the House passed the Cap and Trade Bill. If it weren’t for Lee Doran making a giant fuss about it, word wouldn’t have gotten around about what bad stuff was being rammed through under the guise of tragedy.

Thank goodness the bill was killed when it went to the Senate. If it had passed would it have been an absolute disaster on how much we pay for essentials from what was written within it.

If pop culture were to be what it was supposed to be of yesteryear, we would have much of a more informed public than we do now. As it stands pop culture is just something the social engineers weaponized to move you the average person out of the way for the Deep State to do what they want.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Real Journalists versus Fake Journalists

There are ways to tell the difference between real journalists from fake journalists.

Real journalists can allocate time to work within anyone’s schedule whether its favorable to them or not.

The fake ones can’t.

Most fake journalists usually want all stuff done within their schedule than make any effort to line theirs up with the real world.

Often the time allocation portion is the most common trait I find amongst them all.

When a real journalist needs to get the job done, they don’t give two damns about what time of the day it is. As long as the job gets done on time is all that matters.

No time to get drunk with your friends?

Tough toe-nails.

The job is more significant than whether there is time for beer or not.

Another way to tell real journalists from fakes is how accurately they publish the material within the time its supposed to be in circulation.

Most fakers usually don’t publish stuff on time or when they do its because their best friend told them to do so.

News has only so much shelf life before it expires.

If something isn’t published on time, it can’t be used and therefore is declared as “old news.” The only exception is if it is an ongoing story which are far and few between.

Real journalists publish their stuff on time and as accurately as possible.

There is no space for error. If there is error, it must be repaired in less than a day or face going out the airlock. If the phrase “I’ll get around to it,” is said by said person’s content in question during the time of error or questioning of error, they go out the airlock.

End of discussion.

Don’t pass GO.

Most fakes would follow what broadcast news would do.

The real ones don’t do what broadcast news does.

Broadcast news has their own standards over what is expected of them over those who don’t need to get in front of the camera to do what Walter Cronkite did.

The life of a real journalist is not what old dime novels make it out to be. There is a lot of stuff that is never published and a lot of dog eat dog stuff that goes on in the offices before anything is published.

Contractors have it rougher than those who work for the actual publications as their party has to make sure their client’s party upholds their end of the contract. Anything that goes wrong is a very messy business. There are times when the publication wants to entice the contractor to go beyond what was agreed upon. But again, it is the responsibility for the contractor to bring the client back on point. Cleaning up is no fun task.

The reason why Mainstream American Journalism is suffering is because all the ones who could do their jobs are being driven underground, while the major publications pander to what the Federal Government wants the masses to believe as to what Governor Jesse Ventura and Cenk Uyger confirmed.

That is why Mainstream American Journalism is as Hearst as it is in today’s world, and why the Jesse Ventura’s, the Lionel’s and the Peter Schiff’s of the world are becoming more credible than the shills the Saudi Royals, the GEs and Ted Turners shovel out.

There is no more shock value from the owners of MSNBC, CNN and FOX NEWS. It’s all Federal Government collusion at its center point.

Who knows if there is a credible news industry left when our days are through. But if there is, it aint going to be lead by those current three and their legion of fakers.

Is it worth it to be Rich and Famous?

Being Rich and Famous is not everything or as the good Michael Jackson said in 2003.

When someone is rich and famous, they are like an exotic animal in a cage.

You can’t go to the supermarket without being mobbed, and everywhere you go people will chase you down like the 2nd coming of Christ.

People out there think that being Rich and Famous is everything in life.

But what they don’t realize is that it comes at a steep price.

What Michael Jackson said remains true based upon the lengthy string of reports of how other rich and famous people have coped with success.

Once the person has reached the peak of the mountain, they’re like Robert Redford in “The Candidate” where they ask “What do we do now?”

And as we all know half to most of these individuals end up crashing and burning.

Very few have figured out what to do after their game has played itself out.

But for those who have, have made a profound impact despite time passing them along the way.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The U.S. Constitution. What is it and what can we do to make it better?

I was asked to describe the U.S. Constitution to someone who doesn’t know anything about it.

There are many people in the States who don’t know what it is nor do they even bother to recall what is written in it. Even when they do its often what General Electric, the Saudi Royals or Ted Turner wants people to believe what it really is.

Without all the technical trash… here is what the Constitution of the U.S. really is in layman’s terms followed by what needs to be patched:

Think of the U.S. Constitution as Computer Software.

When new software is released, it is not perfect.

It is still going to have problems of its own upon launch.

When the Constitution was made the law of the land, that was the case even in 1791.

The Amendments to the Constitution are system patches.

The whole point of the Amendment is to fix problems that were not foreseen upon establishment.

Like software and computer programming in general, nothing can be deleted as the system still needs to know about what has already been done. So if something goes missing, things stop working as the system is still requesting for that code or in the case of government: bad things happen.

That is why we know about what was originally implemented in the Constitution upon launch before amendment changes.

To test the system, Madison proposed 19-20 Amendments.

Out of all those proposed, only 12 of them were approved with 10 being ratified by the States. Those 10 would be known as the Bill of Rights. The original 12th Amendment regarding Congressional pay would not be ratified until 1992. While the original 11th Amendment regarding an adjustment in representation would forever remain on the board until ratification.

The two mentioned are what the original 1st and 2nd Amendments when they were proposed.

Back then there were no expiration dates on Amendments. Thus is why an approved amendment from over two centuries ago could still be ratified by the States.

Out of the over two centuries of existence, the U.S. Constitution still has problems today brought about from the Progressive Era.

The one that remains from that era is the 16th Amendment regarding the Income Tax.

Originally it was supposed to go after rich people from what was originally promoted in the newspapers in the early-20th Century.

But after over a century of it being in effect, the Income Tax has instead destroyed more people’s lives than it has helped them. The Income Tax was never meant to go after rich people, but instead provide a clear line solution for government interests to consolidate control over everyday people. The opposite of what an amendment is supposed to do.

If there were any amendment that needs to be repealed, the 16th Amendment would be it.

It is already the largest disaster in the history of our country that should be left behind as a bad memory.

As for what needs to be amended: terms limits for Congress and a strengthened 2nd Amendment.

Originally, Madison and the others thought there was no need term limits as members would come and go like popcorn. But as time has shown through two centuries that is not the case. Members of the House and Senate have outstayed their welcome with several members sitting in their chairs for decades to even over half a century.

Term limits may have its own alternate problems as seen in Mexico.

But for the least it solidifies that no one can sit in the same chair for long periods of time.

The 2nd Amendment needs to be strengthened up to forbid the all forms of government from passing laws restricting or altering the rights of the people from bearing arms.

The 2nd Amendment was supposed to do that. But as any good citizen knows, it has some loopholes.

Government at all levels have been able to exploit those loopholes to take away people’s rights despite the “shall not be infringed” clause being active.

First government used those loopholes to go after Black people and minority groups from owning guns and bladed weapons, then they used those loopholes to go after all people’s rights to own bladed weapons in general, and more recently the right of the people to own automatic guns before going after the rest.

There has to be Amendment that clearly solidifies in place that the government cannot and shall not infringe on the people’s rights to own any weapon.

To do that there has to be a new clause that draws that line.

Something that says that government at all levels are forbidden from passing any law that restricts or forbids the people from bearing arms.

With something like that in place, we can end this lengthy debate about “what weapons can or can’t the people own” to other more significant things that need to be taken care of.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Base Point

Base Point is how a child at an early age develops his/her opinion of the world around them.

If the people around them treated him/her badly, their view shall reflect that as the person progresses along in life. The same is said if the child is treated with honor, respect and dignity.

How the child shall develop is all up to the people whom he/she is surrounded by and their attitudes.

What influences them is what material those people within the atmosphere introduce them too within the child's age of discovery.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

What is Video Journalism?

Video Journalism is written journalism in video form.

It combines the elements of a written article and some elements of broadcast news into one package.

But what separates it from broadcast news is that its organic than processed.

While broadcast news may be washed in glitter graphics.

Video Journalism takes the home movies approach where things are not heavily refined as what we see in broadcast news.

It’s here to tell a story in the way a written article is presented, but with visuals and sound instead of the usual text, photos and illustrations that accompany it.

What video journalism provides is a middle ground for written articles and broadcast news. With the advent of video sharing sites, this method has become an effective way of reporting the news than the current broadcast news methods.

Going forward, this method will be the more of the norm as the 21st Century moves along for as long as the channels remain free.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The News Industry

What I don’t like about the News Industry is active Censorship.

The News Industry claims they are always telling the truth. But from the 7 years I spent working in those offices, that is far from the truth.

The news industry only panders to advertisers who have paid the publications whatever amount of money to pander out whatever they deem to be “truth.” If the advertiser is not the issue, then some government agent who embedded himself/herself into the industry to suppress it from within.

There are many news stories that would have made it into the paper; but were denied publication just because of those two factors. Even if the publication wanted to publish it, the editor would get death threats out the nose or be discredited by other publications that were paid off.

Classic William Randolph Hearst tactics. Run the papers, rule the narrative.

That is what one must consider when examining the news as do all other forms of published material.

Seeing through the veil of deceptions is the toughest thing people have to realize before progressing the plot.

It may be difficult and hard to do.

But once done, there is nothing anyone can’t do.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

AK-47s don't belong in the hands of soldiers, but everyone!

To continue what I said about Ronald Reagan, I must decree the following thing in opposition to his anti-2nd Amendment position:

AK-47s don’t merely belong in the hands of soldiers. It belongs to every man, women and child who will ever live in this universe.

The AK-47 and so-called “assault weapons” were not merely built for soldiers alone. They were built to protect all that we hold dear from all enemies foreign and domestic. The 2nd Amendment protects our right to own any weapon we want, whenever we want, for as long as we are not misusing them for malicious intent.

How dare Ronald Reagan piss on the 2nd Amendment, while masquerading himself as a defender of liberty.

Reagan was never a defender of liberty, yet the GOP parade around him as if he were one.

What the GOP don’t realize is that their lord and savior is nothing more than someone who betrayed the cause of liberty in the name of security. They may masquerade all they like behind the notion that Reagan was the greatest President since Abraham Lincoln. But when truth be told of his actions is when they crash in a pile of broken glass.

It costs a whole lot more to maintain a standing army than it does to allow the everyday people to keep and bear arms. What Sun Tzu said about standing armies remains to be true. Yet the GOP think that more military spending is going to solve all of our security problems. Well it doesn’t, and never had. Instead it runs up the National Debt and causes countries to go under from within.

When everyday people are allowed to keep the same kind of weapons on eye level with the government, we get true national security. When government has vast overwhelming advantages over its everyday people, we have untold tyranny.

The 2nd Amendment was built to prevent government from having monopolies on weapons whether it be guns, swords, knives, mechs or missile systems. It was never meant to protect people’s rights to merely sport or hunt game.

Let us sing the praises of the good Russian General who brought us the greatest gun ever made. Let us not forget his noble cause and what he stood for when the world was coming to an end.

The AK-47 shall remain the world’s greatest innovation for generations to come. Thou it has freed the world more than any military force the world could ever boast.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Fire Emblem Fates, a year after international release

The release of Fire Emblem 14 (IF/Fates) was a total disaster in both the U.S. and Europe.

When that game was released to the general public, no one could get the whole game on release day.

What Nintendo had people do was have them buy the desired one-third of the game on the cart, then force them to get the other two-thirds as DLC.

The only way to get the entire game on a cart was through the Special Edition.

Not a single store had a copy of the Special Edition on release day. Even if the store did, the store would only be supposedly allocated 6 copies according to one YouTuber who went to a Fry’s Electronics store to buy it on release day in the San Jose area.

For months after release in both regions, Nintendo was seen in a less favorable light about this decision despite the silly PR videos about splitting the game up into thirds. The statements they put out was to “save up on costs.” Then assumed that everyone had outstanding internet connections as they do in Japan.

Well for us other people in other parts of the world, we were willing to pay 80USD for the complete game on release day. It’s not that difficult. People in other parts of the world want to be complete with what they do.

By splitting the game, Nintendo told the general public that ‘if you don’t have the net connections nor the electronic payment means, then you don’t matter.’

The major issue with force downloading the other two-thirds is that not everyone has a good internet connection followed by reliable electronic payment methods. Especially people who live in rural areas. Then if someone were to pick up the 14th installment decades after release, and reached the decision point, they are most likely not going to continue playing Fire Emblem after they find out that what they picked up is only a third of a game. More the reason why all three thirds should have been released together on a cart.

The Cart did have space to accommodate all three paths with leftover space for the DLC content.

What Nintendo should have done was allow everyone to buy the entire game on one cart than cut it up.

By doing so, this problem is null and void. But since they did what they did, it’s just a sign that Nintendo is willing to sell people a fraction of a general release title, then force you the consumer to force download the rest of the game at extra costs. Much like what Capcom recently did with Street Fighter V.

Whoever at Nintendo came up with the idea to split the game has to be fired at this point.

The idea may have worked in Japan. But for the rest of the world, they want to be complete with everything they do.

This kind of behavior is unacceptable. Imagine if Westwood Studios in the 1990’s forced you to choose between GDI or Nod when C&C was released for 80USD retail? Imagine how long Westwood Studios would have lasted if that decision was made? They wouldn’t have made it very far and C&C would have been another blip on the map for this kind of behavior.

If Intelligent Systems develops another Fire Emblem game that has a decision making component that alters the game by leaps and bounds; keep it all together. People are willing to pay the extra cost to get the entire game on a single cart. Don’t force everyone to download the other fractions of the game as DLC. Be complete with what you do Nintendo.

Don’t cut games up out of convenience believing that the public will go along with it. Because now the public has record that Nintendo is willing to cut corners to make fast cash. It’s nice that Nintendo fixed it with the South Korean release of the game, but the negative reception shall remain.

Ronald Reagan, the greatest manipulator of all time

Ronald Reagan was not the constitutional guy he made himself out to be.
He was an opportunist and the greatest manipulator in U.S. History. He did whatever benefited he and his constituents the most and left the mess for everyone else to clean up.
While he was Governor of CA, he laid the groundwork for the most Draconian Gun Control Laws in America. Everything related to those anti-2nd Amendment laws original that are associated with California in today’s America stem from him.
The reason he passed those laws was to discredit the original Black Panther Party as a group of violent thugs bent out on spreading Communism. As he feared that if regular people in California were allowed the same kind of access to weapons as the military, California would become a Communist State.
The original Black Panthers may have been socialists, but they were also true champions of the Constitution. Every part of Constitution up to the 1960’s was enforced even when the authorities were out of control. What the original Black Panthers did for America benefited the country more than what Reagan did while he was in both Governor and later President.
Then when Reagan was a President in the 1980’s through the end of his days, he promoted gun control like no one’s business. He may have been a pro-gun traditionalist, but was not pro-2nd Amendment. During Reagan’s presidency, he past the Firearms Home Protection Act. The Act may have been past with good intentions, but with the inclusion of the Hughes Amendment in the bill is what proves that Reagan was not as pro-2nd Amendment as the GOP makes him out to be.
Even after he left the White House he promoted his anti-2nd Amendment views. In the following video and NY Times op-ed, he openly brags about his anti-2nd Amendment with no regard for the consequences:
If that doesn’t convince you enough, here are some other people including Barrack Obama (when he was still President) who have looked into the matter about Reagan being as anti-2nd Amendment not so long ago:
Reagan is also known as the guy who escalated U.S. Military spending without telling the public how America was going to pay for it through Reaganomics. Military spending was out of control under Reagan in his mad dash to collapse the Soviet Union. He may have succeeded in dissolving the Soviet State, but by doing so cost the U.S. a few trillion dollars when everyone adds up all the costs that are both on and off the books.
In addition, he is also the guy who escalated the War on Drugs. Instead of using medical solutions to solve the problem, he in place made it a criminal offense to possess any substance the DEA deemed “illegal”, so that the Prison Industry had a huge leg up against American Manufacturing.
In the link bellow is a written piece on the aftermath of such policies:
 If that is not enough, here is a video by Judge Jim Gray confirming the War on Drugs as a failure:
Ronald Reagan by escalating the War on Drugs and giving the kinds of benefits that he did for the Prison Industry in turn destroyed American Manufacturing.
As to what everyone could see, Ronald Reagan during his lifetime was more against the Constitution than he was for it. He was in favor of Gun Control as much as Barrack Obama was in the 21st Century, he was a big government spender despite claiming he was not, and the one who escalated the War on Drugs which has created more problems in the Post-Cold War than what real Communists could have done in a lifetime.
It’s as what Dr. Ron Paul has said many times “you can’t be a Conservative if you are liberal on military spending.” From all the data examined from what I have been able to get my hands on is proof that Reagan was more of a manipulator than a true Conservative.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


When I hear the name Alameda. The first thing I think about is the old Naval Base near Oakland known as the Alameda Naval Air Station.

That base was open from World War II through the Dotcom Boom. When I was younger, my dad used to tell me all about it. There wasn’t much to say about it than another office job that needed to be done. The base served as the home of many ships for when it was active. Carriers, Destroyers, Cruisers and variety of other ships to support the USMC in amphibious assaults. The most significant ships that ever sailed through that base were both USS Hornet Carriers (CV-8 and CV-12), the USS Hancock (CV-19), the USS Midway (CV-41), the USS Coral Sea (CV-43), USS Oriskany (CV-34) and the first Atomic Powered Carrier USS Enterprise (CV-65). But when the Cold War came to a close, the base was shut down in 1998 and transferred back to the county to do what they wanted to do with it.

It is now Home to the CV-12 USS Hornet for which the Essex Carrier sits at the former base as a Naval Aviation Museum. The Carrier returned to its home when Veterans who served aboard it fought a lengthy battle with the Navy to save the ship for preservation. When it returned to its home dock, the spirits of the former crew returned to the vessel to remind everyone where it has been.

Most of the surrounding facilities that were once the base have either fallen into mass disrepair or are still in a state of clean up. Like the Presidio Base in San Francisco, the Alameda Base has gone through its own turbulence. Alameda is still cleaning up the hazardous waste that is still at the site.

The plan so far is to make it a residential area once the clean-up is complete. As for the piers, they are still being used by the city for its own purposes.

Hopefully the former Naval Base shall see a bright future once the clean up is complete.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Welcome to my World

Hello and Welcome to my World.

This will be the dawn of a new beginning for me and all of us.

It's been many years since I wrote a blog, and much has happened since the last entry.

In this blog I shall talk about the stuff that no publication were willing to publish. No, not UFOs as that has been done to oblivion by many others. But stuff that the world ought to know about, yet don't know due to malicious Hearst-types running the mainstream media.

These blogs could have been done in video format, but text will do just fine as writing provides a sense of structure. It allows the flow of ideas to be conveyed much more fluently than shouting in the distance.

The things that I want to talk about are pro-2nd Amendment matters, the occasional current event and whatever the papers refuse to publish. There will be nothing related to my previous blog up on here as that phase of the campaign has since played itself out.

So sit tight, pull up a beer and watch the fireworks.