Wednesday, March 8, 2017

AK-47s don't belong in the hands of soldiers, but everyone!

To continue what I said about Ronald Reagan, I must decree the following thing in opposition to his anti-2nd Amendment position:

AK-47s don’t merely belong in the hands of soldiers. It belongs to every man, women and child who will ever live in this universe.

The AK-47 and so-called “assault weapons” were not merely built for soldiers alone. They were built to protect all that we hold dear from all enemies foreign and domestic. The 2nd Amendment protects our right to own any weapon we want, whenever we want, for as long as we are not misusing them for malicious intent.

How dare Ronald Reagan piss on the 2nd Amendment, while masquerading himself as a defender of liberty.

Reagan was never a defender of liberty, yet the GOP parade around him as if he were one.

What the GOP don’t realize is that their lord and savior is nothing more than someone who betrayed the cause of liberty in the name of security. They may masquerade all they like behind the notion that Reagan was the greatest President since Abraham Lincoln. But when truth be told of his actions is when they crash in a pile of broken glass.

It costs a whole lot more to maintain a standing army than it does to allow the everyday people to keep and bear arms. What Sun Tzu said about standing armies remains to be true. Yet the GOP think that more military spending is going to solve all of our security problems. Well it doesn’t, and never had. Instead it runs up the National Debt and causes countries to go under from within.

When everyday people are allowed to keep the same kind of weapons on eye level with the government, we get true national security. When government has vast overwhelming advantages over its everyday people, we have untold tyranny.

The 2nd Amendment was built to prevent government from having monopolies on weapons whether it be guns, swords, knives, mechs or missile systems. It was never meant to protect people’s rights to merely sport or hunt game.

Let us sing the praises of the good Russian General who brought us the greatest gun ever made. Let us not forget his noble cause and what he stood for when the world was coming to an end.

The AK-47 shall remain the world’s greatest innovation for generations to come. Thou it has freed the world more than any military force the world could ever boast.

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